Monday, July 14, 2008

Thing #17: Rollyo

After I registered, I created a search roll for information on multiple sclerosis and current research on that disease using a list of reputable web sites from the government, multiple sclerosis organizations, and health care institutions specializing in MS. However, our assignment said to provide a link to it. That took some searching to figure out how to get to the site and copy the url. At first, I thought I needed to add a rollbar bookmarklet to get to it, but when I tried to Drag this link to your Bookmark Bar --> RollBar, it did not work. Either that or I don't know what my bookmark bar is. So then I clicked on Explore Searchrolls and found that mine was listed under "Recently added." I clicked on it and it gave me a "try it out" page. The link is listed below.

But, when I typed in a keyword and clicked on search, I got nothing. So, I clicked on "Link to this search roll" and got the url below:

After I save this post, I'll try the link and see if it takes me to my searchroll called "MS Info & Research.

This would be useful for teachers to use for guided searches on specific topics for their students as well as me keeping up with new info on whatever topic I want to create a searchroll on.

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